Business Wire IndiaJosh Talks, an event to showcase India’s most inspiring real life stories hosted its sixth edition in Delhi at the Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park last week. The event saw 10 people from diverse backgrounds take the stage to share with the audience, their personal life experiences. The response was absolutely overwhelming and the day saw 700 attendees queue up to hear the speakers live!
If Prime Minister Modi can be a chaiwala and then become the PM, then why can't I, Jyoti, be a ragpicker and become a Dancer? Jyoti's strong will and her outlook towards life despite all adversity left the audience in tears.
Failure is the only way to success.I get my result every 15 seconds when someone in the audience laughs or does not, and that's my failure or my victory. Papa CJ's talk left the audience in splits yet sent the right message across and encouraged the audience to follow their passion.
Ryan Martyr pop locked and dropped it on stage with a standing ovation from every single person in the audience. He left us with his message of being happy, not overambitious, not rich, not famous but purely happy.
People in school used to bully me by calling me a Hijra. I knew that one day, those are the people who are going to look up to me and appreciate my sexuality. Gautam Yadav, an HIV positive individual spoke about the harsh realities and stigmas associated with being gay.
Who's the lucky one? claimed Harsh Songra when he announced there's time for only one question from the audience. This little prodigy had the audience hooting for him non stop for 10 minutes.
Disability is a state of your body, not of your mind. Let your mind control you. Rajender Singh Rahelu, a 41 year old Paralympian weight lifter added an emotional turmoil to the day while talking about the struggles he faced to reach where he is now.
Ranging from high school & college students in search of guidance and direction, to working professionals, to young start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, the hall was jam packed with people eagerly watching the speakers share their stories. The audience interactions in the break had us realise the diversity of backgrounds of our attendees as well. From the engineer dropout, to the aspirational dancer to a budding artist, to toppers from esteemed colleges like SRCC and stephens, Josh Talks was able to cater to everyone in need of one extra push to take up their passion.
The day summed up to be everything it was set out for and more. It was engaging, inspiring and extremely enjoyable. A big thank you to all our partners!
And these are the people who made it happen!
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Twitter- @JoshtalksIndia
If Prime Minister Modi can be a chaiwala and then become the PM, then why can't I, Jyoti, be a ragpicker and become a Dancer? Jyoti's strong will and her outlook towards life despite all adversity left the audience in tears.
Failure is the only way to success.I get my result every 15 seconds when someone in the audience laughs or does not, and that's my failure or my victory. Papa CJ's talk left the audience in splits yet sent the right message across and encouraged the audience to follow their passion.
Ryan Martyr pop locked and dropped it on stage with a standing ovation from every single person in the audience. He left us with his message of being happy, not overambitious, not rich, not famous but purely happy.
People in school used to bully me by calling me a Hijra. I knew that one day, those are the people who are going to look up to me and appreciate my sexuality. Gautam Yadav, an HIV positive individual spoke about the harsh realities and stigmas associated with being gay.
Who's the lucky one? claimed Harsh Songra when he announced there's time for only one question from the audience. This little prodigy had the audience hooting for him non stop for 10 minutes.
Disability is a state of your body, not of your mind. Let your mind control you. Rajender Singh Rahelu, a 41 year old Paralympian weight lifter added an emotional turmoil to the day while talking about the struggles he faced to reach where he is now.
Ranging from high school & college students in search of guidance and direction, to working professionals, to young start-ups and budding entrepreneurs, the hall was jam packed with people eagerly watching the speakers share their stories. The audience interactions in the break had us realise the diversity of backgrounds of our attendees as well. From the engineer dropout, to the aspirational dancer to a budding artist, to toppers from esteemed colleges like SRCC and stephens, Josh Talks was able to cater to everyone in need of one extra push to take up their passion.
The day summed up to be everything it was set out for and more. It was engaging, inspiring and extremely enjoyable. A big thank you to all our partners!
And these are the people who made it happen!
To know more, visit-
Twitter- @JoshtalksIndia